AK84 Journal

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16

Saturday, August 19, 2006

I'm back!!!

Wah... its been quite sometimes I've blog eh... some of the LS people back in Singapore bug me to blog something... hahha... well, I'm kind of busy with school works and trying to catch up with the rest of the people taking the same units as me... So cant blame to for not blogging man... hehe... so now I got some time so ya.. I'm blogging now...

Kind of get used to life here in Perth... but not the study life... its different style of learning as compared to SG. And probs keep coming and it wont stop... so have to pray more often and to have faith that God will settle it...

Signs of politics start to arise in my hall... though not much but then I believe more of these will come sooner or later... Arguments arise between hall mates and I admit that sometimes I'm too hot-tempered too... maybe cuz of my school works... So have to pray abt it and deal with it in the name of Jesus!!!

To a lighter issue, me and some of my hall mates will be performing in my hall's international night in september... oh.. I'm not playing the bass... my fren will be playing and I will be playing accoustic and electric... but then, me is still constantly getting in touch of bass... so dun worry ya... I'm still a bassist for God!!! In fact, I may buy a better bass than my old one in Perth.. ya...

Ok, I have to go soon. Need to go library with my fren to study... and its saturday.. hahha... well ppl are relaxing and me is mugging in uni... but its for God...ya....

P.S. to all LS people, if you see me online and I have not been blogging, pls tell me to blog for accountability sake. :)


At 7:49 PM, Blogger Sean Chan said...

Why do you not acknowledge your part in trying to setle things? Must all things be associated to the Lord, even if he/she may not play one bit a role in your feuds?


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