AK84 Journal

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Where are You, God???

Yes, the thoughts just come to my mind. Where are You, God? Are You real in my life right now in Perth? Are You really here with me when You said You will be before I left for Perth?

Maybe it's because I'm too stressed out due to mid-sem tests. It may seems like a small issue. "Hey, it's just a mid-sem tests what. No big deal." Well, it's BIG deal because it's 4 mid-sem tests in 2 consecutive days. And at this period of time when I'm busy studying, I cant seem to sense the presense of God anymore. Just cant seem to feel that He's with me. Even when I'm playing guitar, worshipping God alone in my room, I just don't sense His presense.

Guess maybe it's because I'm too caught up with my school works then I tend to neglect God so much so that I didn't go cell group this week and then planning not to go church this week. Don't know why but just thought that monday is my tests and I have yet to make ample preparation for it. Is the thoughts from the Devil? Can someone please pray for me? If it's from the Devil, I will reject it in the name of Jesus.

Beside studying, there's some rehearsals for some event in my hall and the rehearsals happen to be on the same day as my tests. So after tests at night, I have to go for rehearsals. Never been so tough for me and I don't why I'm living a very packed schedule over here.

Just finished worshipping God in my room with my guitar. At first, just really want the presense of the Holy Spirit to fall in my room. Negative. Can't sense him. Singing the song "Emmanuel", hoping to remind and convince me that God is Emmanuel does not help. But half way through that song, He's there. He reminded me in Genesis that Joseph was sold by his brothers to Egypt and that God is always with him in Egypt. And Joseph eventually was made the ruler of Egypt and then in the end, he returned to his homeland after he met up with his brothers and forgave them for what they did to him.

Same thing, God reminded me that even when I'm having a period of spiritual dryness right now, He's always with me and always in control of things.

Yes Lord, You are indeed here with me. Even when You only speaks to me a short while, You have affirmed me of Your presense in Perth. Amen. :)


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