AK84 Journal

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Mahjong really tired me out. Played 12 hrs straight throughout the night and just woke up only. But thx God for ming that my skills on mahjong has improved... though there's still room for improvement...

got some problems with my re-enrollment for the modules for next sem... invalid as the status (which means I can't re-enrol yet cuz I did not meet the pre-requisites)... send an emailed to the ppl back in UWA and I pray that nth will happen to the re-enrollment process man.. gonna pray about it.... pls pray for it ok? thx thx...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Part 1:
Weekly cell activity: Discussion on the book "Out of the saltshaker" bought by Alvin

The book talks about evangelism and how christians are hold back when it comes to evangelising our Saviour's works (At least that's what I know the book is about since I have yet to recieve my own copy due to out of stock from the shop).

Read through chapter 1 and as I read through chapter one, God slowly reveals the part of me when it comes to evangelising.

A person who does not have the courage to talk about christianity to friends. That's me. A person who does not initiate the talk about christianity to people around me. That's me. A person who will talk a lot and with confidence about christianity only when someone asks me about.

And then, after finishing reading chapter one, decided that I will be the person who does not wait upon people asking me about my Saviour but rather the one who will initiate the talk. That's what I want to be.

Part 2:
Just got back my results. Didn't do well. Failed one of my major module. It was quite shocking to me. Expected it to pass. Instead the one that I expected it to do badly or fail, pass. So what is God telling me? I got to find out. Was indeed very sad and shocking but then I stumble upon 3 words from Sky's blog...

"It is written".

Yup. It is indeed written. My life is already written by God. The direction I'm going through and the results I'm getting in uni has already been written by Him.

And I believe, by faith, that as my uni life goes on, I will realise why God gives me these results. And by the end of the day, I will still give thanks unto Him.

P.S if God is for me, who can be against me.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Back in sg

ok...got back to Singapore like for one week or so liao..too lazy to count hahhaa....
been busy fixing my internet connection..now its FINALLY done..heheh...

anyway, since i'm in sg, i wont be blogging for a while hehhe...unless... God speaks to me and i will blog abt wat He told me abt..yup..so until then....this blog will be done for the moment.... :)